May 10, 2018
Sample Library “Voltage Aesthetics” is available today on Splice
Nov 22, 2017
May 1, 2017
Feb 19, 2017
Dec 29, 2016
Nov 10, 2016
Oct 13, 2016
Sep 16, 2016
Aug 16, 2016
Aug 5, 2016
Jul 20, 2016
Apr 18, 2016

Dec 31, 2015
Nov 17, 2015
Oct 13, 2015
Oct 1, 2015
Sep 15, 2015
Aug 13, 2015
Aug 6, 2015
Mar 19, 2015
Feb 18, 2015
Jan 26, 2015
Dec 22, 2014
Dec 18, 2014
Sep 30, 2014
Sep 10, 2014
Sep 3, 2014

Jul 8, 2014
Akai Professional iMPC Pro
Created over 1400 original samples, 125 sequences, and 25 Programs, June
8th 2014 Release date
Jun 25, 2014
May 12, 2014
Remix for Annie Hall's "Bandit" done with "IGNITE" by @_threeWiseMen
IGNITE from Johannes Poell on Vimeo.
Apr 10, 2014
Apr 1, 2014
Mar 27, 2014
Feb 6, 2014
Jan 21, 2014
Jan 11, 2014
Jan 9, 2014
Jan 7, 2014
My interview and new studio tour with

Dec 28, 2013
Dec 18, 2013
Dec 16, 2013
Dec 5, 2013
New track and sound bank for the Nord Lead 4, grab the (free) sounds from the Clavia site:
Dec 3, 2013
Nov 12, 2013
Oct 10, 2013
METAMORPH - Richard Devine Trailer (Extended) Version
Oct 8, 2013
"Ultra-Analog 2" from Applied Acoustics Systems along with 110 new Devine Patches
Richard Devine - Interview with 2Caudio
Sep 18, 2013
Audio Damage - GrainShift/Errorbox/DubJr - Patch1
Audio Damage - GrainShift/Errorbox/DubJr - Patch1 from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
First late night jam with the new Audio Damage effects for Eurorack. Everything is being triggered/clocked via the Tiptop TriggerRiot. Kick drum source is the Cwejman BLD running into the "ADM02" Grainshift, turning the kick drum into granulated mush. Next source is the Z output from the Synthesis Technology E350 running into one MakeNoise - modDemix then sent to a TipTop Z5000, for intermittent CV control verb. The analog hand-clap from the Dync-Sync DrumDokta DRM-110 running into the "ADM01" DubJr Delay. Which is being strangled and mangled by one stepped output from the MakeNoise Wogglebug, which is also being clocked from the Trigger Riot. One sine output from the DPO running into another Optomix, triggered by channel A from Trigger Riot for synthetic double style FM high-hats, which is running into the Errorbox being slightly degraded and crushed. CV inputs Pitch and Chaos on the Grainshift controlled by erratic CV plot movements from the Rene sequencer (also clocked from the Trigger Riot). Bouncing ball effect from the MakeNoise Maths V2 channel output one, from FM Intellijel Rubicon, then sent to intellijel Planar for panning zigzag movements also being controlled by Maths V2, channel output 4. Drones running from the Mutable Instruments Braids into the Eventide Space reverb pedal fully wet mix.Sep 6, 2013
Broken Delay - d0 CV Disturbances Patch
Broken Delay - d0 CV Disturbances Patch from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
Second patch using the karplus strong feedback setting with the Mungo d0 dual channel delay. This time taking both sine outputs and one from the final output from the MakeNoise DPO (only sound source). One sine was running into the d0 delay line A, and the other into B. The clocking source was the MakeNoise wogglebug, using clocked and gate bursts out to create random gestures and clusters. The wooglebug clock was then sent to a mult which was then clocked to the 4ms SCM input, shifted and rotated, to skew the timing even more for dotted tails and decays. Both sine outputs ran into the Optomix, strike input via the S5 output on the 4ms SCM. The changes in delay time A/B from the random stepped output from the wogglebug. This is the second experiment using the d0 as the main processing source, which can generate some very interesting broken glitchy iterations in the feedback path. The entire mix was ran into a Eventide space pedal for light reverb effect.Mungo d0 dual channel delay - CV Glitch feedback patch
Mungo d0 dual channel delay - CV Glitch feedback patch from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
Zigzag karplus strong feedback percussion patch made with the Mungo d0 dual channel delay. Clocking sources MakeNoise wogglebug, using clocked and noise bursts outs. Muti clock to the 4ms SCM input, shifted and rotated. Noise sources are one single sine wave running into one channel on the Optomix, strike input via the S5 output on the 4ms SCM. This plucked sine wave is then being processed through the Mungo d0 delay. Gate burst out into the clocked input on the d0, creating broken glitchy iterations in the feedback path.Aug 8, 2013
First look at the Malekko/Richter Megawave Voltage Controlled Wave Table Device
First look at the Malekko/Richter Megawave Voltage Controlled Wave Table Device from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
First patch using the Malekko/Richter Megawave. Using multiple synced Intellijel Dixie LFO's CV modulating the wave, bank, and Rom inputs. Cycling glitching through banks (MiniWave, Socket Rocket, PPPGVS, Darwin's House, and Monowave). CV control zigzag LFO patterns from the E355 Morphing Dual LFO set to control the Rom select. The output was then ran into the Synthesis Technology e560 Deflector Shield in phase mode. Drums courtesy of the Mungo g0 with rippling sound effects recorded from the Cwejman S1. Everything clocked and mangled from one single MakeNoise Woggle bug.Jul 24, 2013
Richard Devine - Microsound Textures sound bank for Chromaphone and AAS player
Jul 17, 2013
Epoch Modular Benjolin - Aleatoric Acid
Epoch Modular Benjolin - Aleatoric Acid from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
Epoch Modular Benjolin - Aleatoric Acid A first patch with this mysterious oscillator. Here is the patch notes: I took the direct outputs from the Benjolin (A, B, XOR, and Rungler) into a Toppobrillo Mixiplexer then took the sum output into a intellijel Mutamixer. The Mixiplexer was being CV animated by the stepped output from a MakeNoise woggle bug. The kick drum was generated from a Cwejman BLD lightly mixed in the background. This was triggered by the Mutable instruments Grids sequencer which took master clock from the Woggle bug clock out. The high hat was nothing more then a white noise output from a SSF Qauntum Rainbow and a tiny snare drum made from the Noise Engineering Ataraxic Translatron running into one MakeNoise Optomix. The cloud like pad sounds in the background come from the Braids Oscillator running in cloud synthesis mode.Jul 10, 2013
TipTop - Trigger Riot - Probability Percussion Patch
TipTop - Trigger Riot - Probability Percussion Patch from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
First experiment using the TipTop Trigger Riot sequencing euro rack module. The patch was setup up running in independent output mode. Each output was set to random valves based on a 32 step sequence. The idea was to create 8 regenerative output channels that would be then sent to the TipTop 808 BD, Snare, high hats, and clap. The outputs all have specific varying degrees of probability selected. Additional triggered voices from the Mutable Instruments Braids (Pads/Cloud Synthesis) and Edges (Noise output) running through the Synthesis Tech mini delay. Drum outputs summed into one intellijel mixer then sent to the MakeNoise Phonogene for light granular processing. This entire patch was sequenced on the Trigger Riot clocking at 198 BPM. Reverb swells courtesy of the Eventide space. 12, 2013
First patch with the Mutable Instruments Braids and Grids Modules (Plucked Synthesis)
First patch with the Mutable Instruments Braids and Grids Modules (Plucked Synthesis) from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
First patch experiment using the Mutable Instruments Braids Macro oscillator running in "PLUK" mode. Emulating the sound of raw plucked strings that change with the timbre control via damping, and the color knob changing the plucking position. MakeNoise Rene sending out CV notes to the 1-v/oct input and Gate triggers to the Braids trigger input. The output is then running into the Phonogene for light processing. Liquid drum percussion sequencing by three gate trigger outputs from the Grids module. Trigger one going into the Mungo g0. Trigger two going to the DPO for the lower end kick drum emulation. Final output running lightly through a eventide space pedal.Jun 8, 2013
TR3A - MakeNoise - Mungo g0 - Beat Mutations Patch
TR3A - MakeNoise - Mungo g0 - Beat Mutations Patch from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
Modular patch inspired by Gescom's "TR2A" track off the ISS:SA EP on Skam Records 2013. The patch is being clocked via the MakeNoise Woggle Bug (clocked out) running into the Brain Seed cycle input. Seed and Trigger gate pulses sent to the 4ms SCM. The SCM is running into two MakeNoise Optomix's and Phonogene record CV input function. DPO working as a analog kick drum, and the Mungo g0 is triggering a set of sample based tones that where created in the computer. Maths channels 1 and 4 modulating the linear FM inputs on the DPO. The patch is a experiment trying to create a regenerative sequencer that outputs endless never repeating rhythmic combinations.May 31, 2013
Antimatter Audio - Brain Seed - Regenerative Rhythms Patch
Antimatter Audio - Brain Seed - Regenerative Rhythms Patch from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
Antimatter Audio - Brain Seed - Regenerative Rhythms Patch A modified patch/experiment from the Brain Seed Chronicles Page 10 "Funky Rhythm Generation" This patch was a experiment to see how the Brain Seed could be used as an interesting random rhythm generator. The patch was clocked from one intellijel dixie then sent to the seed cycle input. The main analog percussion is being generated by using the "Seed" output going into the 1/volt CV inputs on a MakeNoise DPO, which is then running into one Optomix for fast attacks triggers. There is a second patch cable running into a MakeNoise Brains and two Pressure Points triggering the delay time/offset on a Synthesis Technology E580 Resampling mini-delay (BBD Mode). Feed back clocked/control from the K4815 Pattern Generator. Trigger out from the Brain Seed is running into a 4ms SCM with breakout V2. controlling the strike input on another Optomix making the white noise high-hats courtesy of the Steady State Fate Quantum Rainbow module. The Synthesis Technology E355 dual wavetable LFO output A is running into the shift input, adding in extra variations. One T-Gates output from one of the pressures points running back into the Freeze input. Master mix reverb was the eventide space pedal using the mix knob to wash out the end. :-)May 18, 2013
Richard Devine Feature Future Music's June Issue 266

May 6, 2013
Apr 27, 2013
Creating Gestural Sound Effects with the Intellijel Planar Module
Creating Gestural Sound Effects with the Intellijel Planar Module from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
Creating Gestural Sound Effects with the Intellijel Planar Module I setup this patch to work on a sound design project for a client, which needed unique transformer like power ups and electrical like swooshes. I borrowed the patch idea from another fellow sound designer friend Joseph Fraioli who came up with the original patch. I then took that and further added and tweaked a few things to adapt it to this project. The planar X/Y CV out is controlling the pitch of three different sound sources, intellijel cyclebox, and two intellijel Dixies. There is also multiple outs going to three different delay modules, Synthesis Technology E580, MakeNoise Echophon, and Doepfer BBD. This is just a short excerpt from that session of recordings.Apr 3, 2013
Multi-channel field recording of 12,000 bees at Buckeye Creek Farm. SoundCloud Link
Multi-channel field recording of 12,000 bees at Buckeye Creek Farm.
Multi-channel field recording of 12,000 bees at Buckeye Creek Farm. from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
Multi-channel field recording of 12,000 Italian bees at Buckeye Creek Farm Cherokee GA. The setup consisted of four wooden packages of bee's containing 3000 bees each stacked on top of each other creating a wall of swarming noise. Captured with the Neumann RSM 191-A/S and DPA SMK 4060 omnidirectional miniature stereo microphones. Everything was recorded at 24-bit 96khz with the Sound Devices 744T and Mixpre-D. Download the high quality file here:Mar 14, 2013
MakeNoise - Creature III Patch Outtake
MakeNoise - Creature III Patch Outtake from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
Third patch outtake from the Creature series. This patch was contrived completely using only these MakeNoise modules, Pressure Points, Rene, Optomix, Moddemix, Wooglebug, Maths, DPO (Dual Prismatic Oscillator), Echophon, and Phonogene. The patch was clocked using the Wooglebug as the main tempo, and then sent to 4 different sources. Trills courtesy of the Maths output then triggering sporadically the strike inputs on the Optomix. Rene CV plots the pitch inputs on the DPO and fluttering CV/Gate data to the Phonogene. Woogle stepped out controlling various parameters on Echophon, and Phonogene for extra animation. Reverb splashes by the Eventide Space pedal which was used on the Echophon feedback output and return. One output on pressure points to toggle on and off the freeze function on Echophon for the held feedback effects. This patch was inspired by Morton Subotnick's "Sidewinder." 8, 2013
Elektron Analog Four Sound Pack: The Richard Devine Collection
Mar 4, 2013
120 Days - Trailer
120 Days -Teaser from RichardDevine Music&SoundDesign on Vimeo.
Music and Sound Design by Richard Devine, Directed by Michael Gosbee. 5, 2013
Hydrophone Recordings of Burning Embers Underwater.
Jan 2, 2013
Creature II - Extended version - MakeNoise Shared System Series
Dec 18, 2012
Dec 12, 2012
Richard Devine MakeNoise EP 2012
Oct 22, 2012
H3000 Factory Ultra-Harmonizer native plug-in - Devine Presets from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
Here is a short little demo of the new H3000 Factory Ultra-Harmonizer native plug-in which is a powerful harmony plug-in that gives you the sound of the classic H3000 D/SE. It includes all original presets, plus many new ones. In this video I am previewing the latest favorites I created for Eventide. There are 90 presets total. The audio file is just a 16 bar loop in logic, and no other plug-ins or processing was involved.