TR3A - MakeNoise - Mungo g0 - Beat Mutations Patch from Richard Devine on Vimeo.
Modular patch inspired by Gescom's "TR2A" track off the ISS:SA EP on Skam Records 2013. The patch is being clocked via the MakeNoise Woggle Bug (clocked out) running into the Brain Seed cycle input. Seed and Trigger gate pulses sent to the 4ms SCM. The SCM is running into two MakeNoise Optomix's and Phonogene record CV input function. DPO working as a analog kick drum, and the Mungo g0 is triggering a set of sample based tones that where created in the computer. Maths channels 1 and 4 modulating the linear FM inputs on the DPO. The patch is a experiment trying to create a regenerative sequencer that outputs endless never repeating rhythmic combinations.
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